Curriculum Vitae
visual sociologist
Exhibitions & talks
Heng, T (Nov 2018) Documentary Photography as Social Research. Workshop Keynote, National Centre for Research Methods Autumn School, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Heng, T (Mar 2018) Marginal Faiths, Marginal People, Marginal Places, Symposium Keynote, Conversations in Singapore History, King’s College London, United Kingdom
Heng, T (Dec 2016) Seeing Diaspora in the City: Visual Studes of Spiritualised Urban Spaces, Keynote in Relationality in the Metropolis, University of Melbourne
Heng, T (June 2015) Ghostly Corridors, Opening Lecture, Creative Writing Seminar, National University of Singapore
Visualising Risky Spaces in Everyday Spirituality, ISA Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty Thematic Group GO4, University of Liverpool in Singapore, Apr 2017 (Solo Exhibition)
Unofficial Sacred Spaces in the City: Chinese Spirit Medium Practice in Singapore’s homes, factories and void decks, The Australian Sociological Association Annual Conference, Nov 2016 (Group Exhibition)
Faith in Punggol, in Picture this: Approaches to Visual Research, Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Calgary, May 2016 (Group Exhibition)
Postcards from Chinatown, Going Places, April - May 2014, The Arts House at the Old Parliament, Singapore
Platform 2012 Year in Pictures, 8th Jan 2013, Platform, National Museum of Singapore (Group Exhibition)
Spotlight, November 2011, Through the Lens, The Straits Times Interactive (Solo Feature)
Heng, T (Nov 2018) Doing Visual Sociology: Case Studies from the Grave, Methods@Manchester Lunchtime Seminar, University of Manchester, United Kingdom Watch on Youtube
Heng, T (Apr 2018) Be the Hungry Ghost: Visual and Sensorial Methods for Researching Sacred Spaces. Invited Presentation at Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong
Heng, T (Jan 2018) Creative Practice and Technologies for a Public Visual Sociology. Invited Presentation at the National Centre for Research Methods, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Heng, T (Oct 2016) Visual Ethnography in Singapore. Invited lecture at Yale-NUS College, Singapore
Heng, T (Dec 2015) Digital Photography and Religious Worship. Invited lecture at School of Art, Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Heng, T (June 2015) Understanding Liminal Places and Place-based liminality: A Visual and Literary Perspective. Arts, Humanities and Literature Conference, National Institute of Education, Singapore
Heng, T (April 2014) Visualising Security in Urban Spaces, Digital Photography Workshop at University of Toronto, Canada
Heng, T (June 2013), Performance Workshop - Photography, Prose and Poetry, Invited Workshop at The Creative Writing Seminar, Ministry of Education, Singapore
Heng, T (January 2013), Introduction to Photography and Image-Making, Invited Workshop at Victoria Junior College, Singapore
Heng, T (January 2013), Doing Visual Research in Singapore. Invited Lecture at Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Heng, T (January 2013), Looking for Tua Di Ya Pek, A Visual Essay of Religion in Bukit Brown Cemetery. Invited Talk at The Substation, Singapore
Heng, T (December 2012), Photography and Digital Imaging, Invited Workshop at Singapore Insitute of Technology, Singapore
Heng, T (July 2012), Photography, Identity and Weddings: A Visual Research Project. Invited Talk at Republic Polytechnic, Singapore
Heng, T (May 2012), Poetry and Photography: Chinese Memories on the Pavement in Urban Singapore. Invited Talk at the Creative Writing Seminar, National University of Singapore.
Heng, T (Feburary 2012), The Sociology and Business of Social Photography in Singapore. Invited
Lecture at Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University
Heng, T (January 2012), Understanding Diasporic Chineseness in Singaporean Weddings: A Visual
Sociology Approach. Invited Seminar at Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Heng, T (October 2011), Chinese Identity in Singapore: The Role of State and Market. Invited Talk at Victoria Junior College, Singapore.
Heng, T (October 2011), Studying Photography. Invited Talk at Platform 11.10, Singapore.
Heng, T (August 2011), Poetry and Photography: Exploring Loneliness at Home. Invited Workshop at The Literature Seminar, Dunman High School, Singapore.
Heng, T (June 2011), Poetry and Photography: A Journey through Urban Singapore. Invited Talk at the Creative Writing Seminar, National University of Singapore.
Heng, T (May 2004), Attraction and Postcards from Chinatown. Poetry presentation given at the
Creative Writing Seminar Opening Ceremony, University Cultural Centre, National University of